Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Second Child Syndrome
It’s a common occurrence: The first child has five photo albums of its first year, each meticulously pasted, in order, into a carefully selected book. The second child has one hastily put together album and a shoebox full of disorganized photos.
One of the reasons for this blog is to try to give Baby O2 a fair shake in this regard. I kept up a weekly blog for Reilly for two full years. Part of the reason was to share Reilly with our friends and family—we were living in New York and thousands of miles from home. The other reason was to document this little baby that was changing every day before our eyes.
People say that your second child is different, that the second child doesn’t get the same attention of its mother and father; gets the hand-me-downs, has to compete with the other sibling.
I can see how that would be true, after all, we’ll have Reilly—our spirited and demanding first child—to take care of in addition to our infant. But Baby O2 will also get to grow up with a sister, and will benefit from the knowledge and experience we’ve gained—sometimes painfully—from raising that same sister.
Of course, it’s happening already. This blog is not just about Baby O2, and in fact, has mostly been about Reilly so far. Baby O2 is learning to share before he or she is even in this world. My hope is that this will be a benefit, and that his or her life will be richer for it.