Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Return of the Junny

Reilly has had an imaginary friend named "Junny-Wunny" for a couple of years now. Junny is most often used as a coping mechanism or to help Reilly figure out the world as it continually opens up to her.

A classic example:

"Reilly, time to go to school, please put on your jacket."
"I don't want to wear a jacket!"
"You need to wear a jacket, hon. It's cold outside."
"But Junny doesn't have to wear a jacket!"

It had been awhile since we had heard from Junny, so it came as a surprise to me yesterday in the car when Reilly told me that Junny had just got back from California.

"And he taught me three new songs," she said.

I told Reilly that I was happy to hear that Junny was back.

"Yeah, I love Junny. He is my new boyfriend," she said.

Welcome back, Junny. Keep your hands off my daughter.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

More photos as excuses...

She runs like the wind!

More photos from the last couple of weeks are here.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm sorry

Most of my posts are pretty light on this blog--not too much under the surface, where the truth lies. And so...

Today was a tough day. Waiting for phone calls, 8 weeks or less until Baby O2 comes, too much to do. I was feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, and yet when Reilly asked me to pull over at the playground on the drive home, I conceded and said, "Sure."

I got out of the driver's seat and walked back to her door, and when I opened it, Reilly was yelling, "NO DADDY! I WANT TO RIDE MY BIKE."

I should have said, sure, let's go home, get your bike, and ride to the park. Instead, I tried to convince her to get out and just walk over to the playground, while fully knowing that Reilly doesn't bend to peer pressure (which I'm sure will be a good thing one day) and wouldn't get out of the car. So, I literally slammed the door in her face, got in the car, and drove home.

Not my finest moment.

When we pulled into the garage, Reilly was sniffling a bit, so I got her out, gave her a hug, and put on her helmet.

"Let's go to the park."

She rode the whole way without looking back, at times leaving me 100 yards behind, which was a beautiful thing. Previously, she would ride 10 yards, stop to see that I was close by, ride 1o yards, stop again, and so on.

Taking a breath and letting her do what she wanted--ride her bike to the park--ended with a big reward: seeing my girl take a big step into "big-girl-hood."

Even now I'm emotional with guilt at losing my temper with her today, and at the same time smiling knowing that her stubborness should serve her well some day.

Why settle for a walk to the park when you can ride?

Top 100, Part II

Every year or so, I put together my top 100 favorite photos of Reilly. The newest installment is here, and spans the period of July 2007 - January 2009.

For those of you who didn't see the "Top 100, Part I," click here.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Neigh vs Nay

Daddy, what are baby cows called?


What are baby horses called?


No daddy, it’s calves.

No Rei, it’s colts.

Daddy, it’s calves, and girls are smarter than boys.

I’m pretty sure that it is colts, and Daddys’ are smarter than little girls.

But Wendy is smarter than Peter Pan, and Peter Pan is a grownup.