Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Oh, the stories I could tell...
Today's entry brought to you from "guest blogger" Shawn...
Mommy: Reilly, why were you crying?
Reilly: Daddy said he had three stories, but he only told me two and one of them was unusual.
Mommy: Why was it unusual?
Reilly: One didn’t have any characters in it, it only had an orange. So it was unusual.
Week 24
What’s different this time around? I can’t remember a thing.
When we were pregnant with Reilly, we would read a Week by Week book as each new week turned over. The book was complete with pictures and taught us all the details of what was going on with our growing baby. I always knew how far along I was, how big the baby was, what she was doing, and what to expect the week to follow. We sometimes (always) would read the next week in anticipation of what was to come.
Early last week someone asked me how far along I was. I-had-no-i-dea. I had completely lost track. The blog we read had been put on hold, knowing I could look it up and read the weeks that had passed to see what this baby has been up to. I thought if I went to the blog it would come to me, but as I selected a week and read, I wasn’t sure if I had experienced it already, or if it was a sign of what was to come.
I’m grateful for my monthly doctor visits for one primary reason: to keep me on track. We had an appt on Friday…24 weeks. So far, the baby continues to grow and her heartbeat is strong. I still don’t have much of an appetite, more aversions than cravings, although a nice plate of steamed broccoli with butter, salt, and pepper sounds wonderful right now!
We’re supposed to be thinking about things like registering, setting up the nursery, and taking a hospital tour. All I want to do is settle in and watch a movie. Brian, on the other hand, is entering the nesting phase. As I type this, he’s in the process of burning all of our CDs, dating back to the early 1990s (who remembers ABC – Another Bad Creation??), just the first step to making room in the soon-to-be-named-nursery.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Photos as excuses...