This afternoon, while Shawn was in the kitchen, Reilly was using an orange highlighter to draw on a paper towel Shawn had given her.
(Hey, everything is a potential art supply in our house, which brings me to an interesting tangent. To beautify our otherwise rusty and run down thirty year old refrigerator, Shawn painted it with black chalkboard paint. Reilly spent part of the afternoon drawing on the refrigerator with chalk and then describing her detailed drawings to us.)

Where was I?
So, Reilly came into the kitchen with her drawing of an ant, with three body segments, two antennae, and six legs.
"Mommy, how many legs does an ant have?"
"I don't know, Reilly, eight?"
"Is an ant an insect, Mommy?"
"Um, yes."
"Then it has six; three and three."
(Wikipedia confirms this fact.)
She's a smart kid.