Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Return of the Junny

Reilly has had an imaginary friend named "Junny-Wunny" for a couple of years now. Junny is most often used as a coping mechanism or to help Reilly figure out the world as it continually opens up to her.

A classic example:

"Reilly, time to go to school, please put on your jacket."
"I don't want to wear a jacket!"
"You need to wear a jacket, hon. It's cold outside."
"But Junny doesn't have to wear a jacket!"

It had been awhile since we had heard from Junny, so it came as a surprise to me yesterday in the car when Reilly told me that Junny had just got back from California.

"And he taught me three new songs," she said.

I told Reilly that I was happy to hear that Junny was back.

"Yeah, I love Junny. He is my new boyfriend," she said.

Welcome back, Junny. Keep your hands off my daughter.


  1. It's been a long two months without reading blogs. I missed yours. It made me smile today. :)

  2. That's probably not the final time you will say that last line as cute as your daughter is!
    Mom :-)
