We were about 24 hours into our Thanksgiving vacation in the mountains of North Carolina when Reilly started acting funny--a certain combination of cuddly and cranky that only means one thing: she was getting sick.
A forehead check indicated fever, so we gave her Motrin to make her comfortable, and she dutifully fell to sleep.
The next morning she was acting normally and was her usual self throughout the day, but around 5:00 in the afternoon, the fever came back with a vengeance and with a new twist: an all body rash. And the rash, it was fiercely itchy.
Shawn did everything she could to soothe an over-tired, feverish, and itchy little girl, but it took two hours and quite a bit of crying before Reilly finally fell asleep.
The next morning, my dad found a pediatrician in Franklin, and they fit us in first thing in the morning. The diagnosis: strep.
We got our prescription, and took it to Kerr's (we actually had some trouble finding it, as the accent on the lady at the pediatrician's office made it sound like "Cars") got our pink liquid antibiotic, and happily gave Reilly her first dose.
The fever was gone the next day. Unfortunately for everyone, Reilly's rash worsened, the itch intensified, and then proceeded to last four more days.
I don't want to say that it ruined the vacation, but it kept a current of emotional stress running through our days and especially our nights. And I will say that when Reilly started to improve, it gave us yet another reason to be thankful.
I'm happy to say that Reilly is doing well now and the rash is finally gone, one week later. Also, we never have to worry about finding a doctor while we are at the cabin--we are now official registered patients at Pediatric Associates of Franklin.

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