Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The things she carries

Reilly loves to pick up scraps and bits of things that she calls her "treasures." Once she has become connected to her treasures, she will not let them go. Here is a recent example:

This pile of sticks, leaves and palm fronds pictured below sat in the corner of our hotel room for three days, and lo! beware the housekeeper who dared to remove it from its location.

Most often I don't come across her collections until I empty out her pockets at the end of the day. Here is a recent stash of treasures after a day at school:

I like to wonder what it is that attracts her to these things; is it the weight, the texture, the color, or just the availability for her little hands to grasp them?


  1. How wonderful that she finds her treasures in nature! I think it reveals a lot about her character and certainly her interests. Perhaps she will be a "found art" artist :o)

  2. Brian, your daughter takes after you as a nature collector of "treasures" when you were young!
    Mom :-)
