Sunday, November 27, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
September photos, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Reilly's School Talent Show, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
I want to ride my bicycle...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
When favoritism is not really favoritism
August 24, 2011
This afternoon I picked up Maeve from school and took her home. When I got her in the door, I put her down and walked her to my room to get out of my work clothes. As soon as I was changed, she put her arms up toward me, and I picked her up.
I put some music on the ipod and walked her around the house, just chatting with her and pointing out things. At some point I stopped in the living room and just rocked her a bit while we watched a storm approach from outside the window. She snuggled in and we were both very content.
A few minutes later I heard Shawn and Reilly outside. Reilly was crying because of some slight from her gymnastics teacher, and Maeve was very concerned about all the emotion her sister was displaying. While Shawn was explaining the whole incident to me, she reached out her hands for Maeve, but Maeve didn’t budge. This is quite unusual.
I said to Shawn, “Maybe I’ve got a daddy’s girl now?”
Maeve stuck with me for a while, and I enjoyed the attention. I should have known that her unusual attention meant something.
I finally handed Maeve off so that I could get dinner ready, and Shawn gave her a bath. As Shawn got her out of the tub, Maeve began to throw up.
Poor baby.
And poor daddy – she wasn’t and isn’t a daddy’s girl, she was just sick.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Growing up
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Maeve gets hers
August 18, 2011
This evening my mom was over to serve up some kosher dogs on hot dog buns she carefully returned home to Florida from Cape Cod. She had also made potato salad from a handed down recipe, a recipe that, it turns out, is identical to my mother-in-law’s.
Following the rule of threes, my mom also brought along some honeydew melon. I normally avoid honeydew because it is never good. I remember recently posting on Facebook that in every fruit cup are a few pieces of honeydew melon, and in every case, without exception, the honeydew is unripe.
The honeydew my mom brought over tonight was ripe, sweet, and probably because of my past experiences with said melon, was about the best I’ve ever had. Maeve thought so too. When my mom offered her a bite, Maeve gobbled it up without hesitation, then went over to a drawer, pulled out one of her bowls, and then offered it to my mom.
My mom dutifully filled it with little bites of melon and then handed it down to Maeve. Maeve beamed, held the bowl of melon out, and then walked proudly to the dining room with her prize.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
The Bachelor
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
5 Things
1) Maeve loves to dance. Her dancing starts at her head with some back and forth wobbling, works its way down to her torso, with some hands in the air, and finally ends with her best attempt at jumping around. She has yet to leave the ground. Her musical preferences are totally different than her sister’s. Whereas Reilly loves her Jackie Evancho, Maeve likes to rock out to Justin Bieber. (Reilly loves Justin Bieber too, but not for his music.)
2) Maeve loves her Italian food. Pizza, lasagna, pasta – pretty much anything with red sauce on it. Red sauce is to Maeve what ketchup is to Reilly.
3) Maeve can identify her eyes, nose and mouth when prompted. She will point to her eyes and nose, but when we say, “Where’s your mouth?” She will move her tongue back and forth across her mouth.
4) In addition to the words eyes, nose and mouth, Maeve also can say: no, Rah-Rah(for Reilly), wa-wa(for water), bird, ball, bubble, woof, nana, dada, mama, ow!, wow, uh-oh, more, and all done. The last two words she also knows in sign language as well.
5) The things she carries: Shoes and flip-flops, play-dough, and mama’s cell phone. Her favorite thing to carry around the house is a washcloth. She will walk into the bathroom, open the door, pick out a washcloth, and then walk around the house with it for quite some time, maybe up to an hour. And don’t you dare try to take it from her.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
June 2011 Photos

Thursday, June 2, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
10th Anniversary Photos
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Maeve's First Birthday
Monday, April 4, 2011
Uncle Pete's 70th Birthday