Thursday, August 18, 2011

Maeve gets hers

August 18, 2011

This evening my mom was over to serve up some kosher dogs on hot dog buns she carefully returned home to Florida from Cape Cod. She had also made potato salad from a handed down recipe, a recipe that, it turns out, is identical to my mother-in-law’s.

Following the rule of threes, my mom also brought along some honeydew melon. I normally avoid honeydew because it is never good. I remember recently posting on Facebook that in every fruit cup are a few pieces of honeydew melon, and in every case, without exception, the honeydew is unripe.

The honeydew my mom brought over tonight was ripe, sweet, and probably because of my past experiences with said melon, was about the best I’ve ever had. Maeve thought so too. When my mom offered her a bite, Maeve gobbled it up without hesitation, then went over to a drawer, pulled out one of her bowls, and then offered it to my mom.

My mom dutifully filled it with little bites of melon and then handed it down to Maeve. Maeve beamed, held the bowl of melon out, and then walked proudly to the dining room with her prize.

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